Shalom brethren in Christ. Welcome to El Pneuma. In today’s world, where there seems to be a vast confusion regarding success, it is very paramount that one searches out the heart of God to understand what success is so far as God is concerned. I was on a similar journey in 2010-2013. During this period, I got exposed to the teachings of the seven pillars of the world. I came to understand that when God made the earth, He hewed it upon seven pillars. Namely, BUSINESS AND FINANCE, FAMILY AND RELIGION, ARTS AND CULTURE, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS, MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT, EDUCATION AND ACADEMIA.
Prov. 9:1
Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars
The redemption of man was a means to an end. Remember that the transaction between the first Adam and Satan was not merely a disobedience of the Word of God. But there was also a transfer of the authority of the earth, which had been given to Adam in creation, to the enemy. You see, no servant is greater than his master. God is Elohim, the creator, the great One, the All Sufficient One, He rules over all and has authority over all. After the creation of man, He set man as a Prince of the earth to have authority over the earth and everything upon it. Man, in choosing to obey the Devil instead of God, became a slave to the Devil instead of unto God. At that time, the Devil was a vagabond, having no place of abode. But when Adam became his servant, it was apt for him to take what Adam had received as an inheritance from God. Because in principle, the servant cannot be richer than his master.
I have come to understand that God wants His Church in these end times to redeem these pillars for Him. I was preparing for exams on the 1st May 2013 when the Lord visited me in an awesome way and showed me how the redemption of these gates would be realized. I was made to understand that it all starts and ends with leadership. And on that day the synopsis of this ministry was given. This is a ministry that seeks to raise Leaders (saviours) for the redemption of The Pillars of the Earth back unto God.
Obadiah 1:21
And saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Essau and the Kingdom shall be the LORD’s
As the years went by, I have come to understand that He is raising men who can lead themselves unto the submission of the Holy Spirit and then who in turn will show other men to do same. That is true leadership. This ministry is aimed at raising men to fully submit to the rulership of the Holy Spirit and who will use a staff or their leadership positions to show men the way. Just like the life of Daniel through whom several kings pronounced the Lordship of Yaweh. Kings decreed that no one served any other God except the LORD because Daniel showed them the way to the true God. That should be our testimony in these end times that through us the world would know God. And not only that but through us, the earth and her seven pillars will be saved and brought back unto God. For in the days of the Lord’s power demonstrated through His servants, all men shall be willing to serve Him (Psalm 110:3).
Here at El Pneuma, we will explore scripture about leadership and, most importantly, purpose. We believe that if every man finds his way in God, we all as the body of Christ will become a formidable army. An army which will be fully equipped to raid hell and hades and recover that which was stolen by deceit. El Pneuma is all about equipping you to attain the leadership position God placed in you by helping you find your purpose in God. I believe if your search to find our webpage (or perhaps the coincidence of your finding us) is proof that God wants to work a work in you that will bring you to an exaulted end. Stay put and connected as we both journey with God in El Pneuma. Shalom.